Apple Paid 300-400% Premium for iPad 2 Display Order

According to a reliable source, Apple is said to have apparently placed a new order statement for an estimated number of 30 Million display panels per year from AU Optronics. For the record, AU Optronics is actually a merger of Benq Display Technology and Unipac Optoelectronics Corporation and is a major manufacturer of TFT panels for top companies such as Samsung, LG, Dell and of course, Apple. The source is also suggesting that Apple paid a whopping 300-400% premium amount to AU Optronic to seal the deal of manufacturing 100,000 casing for the iPad 2�s display on a daily basis. Wow, that�s a lot of display and money. If this rumor is true, then the said orders will account about half of the global tablet market. But many are speculating that the sudden burst to premium ordering is due to the light leakage problems of the iPad 2 display. It�s very possible that something actually went wrong with Apple�s previous deals. To add, Apple has outsourced its iPad 2 display to other companies such as Samsung and LG Display. We even heard that Apple could be outsourcing in Japan too.

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